Black Rolling Stones in the Community

Saturday, February 12, 2011

By BRS Staff

For the past eight years, Black Rolling Stones Enterprises has been representing Harlem. A-Thug had a dream and has done all he can to get his dreams out there. Last year, Black Rolling Stones made some lucrative partnerships that are paying off. The company has teamed up with other companies who have the same mission in mind, giving back to the places where the companies originated.

The sluggish economy has been no secret over the past ten years. By 2008, the entire economy crashed and everyone was struggling, in a sense. Readers are probably wondering what the poor economy has to do with the Black Rolling Stones movement. For those who asked the question, it has everything to do with the movement because the economy, even on the local level was touched.

Always shooting for the stars, A-Thug had a dream of being a well-respected leader in his community. He has watched this happen over the past few years through his music. Now, he wants respect for his business acumen. One of the many goals for 2011 is for Black Rolling Stones to give back to Harlem by partnering with some of the businesses in the area.

Regardless of race, religion, or beliefs, everyone can be a stone or stonette if they believe in their dreams and go after what they want. Black Rolling Stones has been active in the community for years, but it is now time to take things to the next level. In the next few months, Black Rolling Stones will be reaching out to several businesses in the Harlem area and doing promotions in the local area.


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